Environmental policy
basic principle
Sakurai Co., Ltd. recognizes that global environmental problems are an important issue common to all humankind, and passes on a rich and irreplaceable global environment to the next generation.
In order to inherit it, we will contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and the protection of resources as much as possible in all aspects of our corporate activities.
Basic policy
Sakurai Co., Ltd. is a planning and development trading company for information paper, stationery office supplies, dust-free paper, signboard materials, environmental products, and related equipment and software. In order to work on the conservation of the global environment and the protection of resources, we will implement an environmental management system based on the following.
Environmental laws, regulations, ordinances of national and local governments, charters and guidelines agreed by our company, etc.
We will comply with the requirements.
All employees work on environmental management in the workplace, efficiently use resources and energy, promote waste reduction, and
By actively using green procured products, we will reduce the environmental burden as much as possible and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
Actively develop and sell environment-friendly products, provide information to customers, and place a burden on the environment
We will promote the spread of products that are not given.
We provide environmental education to all who work for the organization, and through internal and external public relations activities.
We will raise awareness of the environment and thoroughly disseminate our environmental policy.
Promote the 4S campaign (organization, tidying, cleaning, cleanliness) at all offices,
We will strive to maintain and improve a clean work environment.
Set and execute environmental objectives and goals,
We will review it regularly and work on continuous improvement.